Join the Crew!


Fancy yourself a pirate and want to join the crew? Great!

While sailing around the world Zephyr needs plenty of crew to help sail her as well as to create a positive culture that helps elevate everyone’s experience. Being pro-fun, positive, empathetic and being able to handle all the adventurous ups and down of this lifestyle in stride are probably the mostly important things. Knowing basic sailing is nice too but being an expert isn’t necessary. It’s best to have a solid chuck of time off (more than 2 months). On Zephyr we share the expenses of food/drink and share in the responsibilities of keeping the boat working.

The most important thing is helping to foster a culture of generosity on board. If we all help each other stay safe, keep Zephyr in order, and get the most out of life then the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts ✌🏼

How do I join in then?

The first step is getting in touch! Reach out to us on Instagram or through the contact form here. Let us know a few details:

  • what your sailing experience is

  • why you want to go cruising

  • about your background

  • when you’re available to come